Board Agenda - 2022.06.20


Box 89, New Sharon, Iowa 50207


June 20, 2022      Jr./Sr. High  Library     6:00 p.m.

The North Mahaska Community School District will prepare students to be positive, productive citizens
(ready for success beyond high school) with the passion and skills for life-long learning.


1. Call Meeting to Order - 6pm

2. Amend the Agenda and Approve the Agenda

3. Approve Consent Agenda

  1. Approval of Minutes
    1. May 16, 2022 Board Minutes
    2. June 1, 2022 Board Minutes

4. Secretary’s Financial Accounts

  1. Activity Cash Receipts
  2. Activity Balance Report
  3. Nutrition Cash Receipts
  4. Nutrition Balance Report
  5. Enterprise Cash Receipts
  6. Enterprise Balance Report
  7. ISJIT Summary
  8. Financial Statement – May 2022
  9. Financial Statement – May 2021
  10. Cash Receipts
  11. Revenue Summary

5. Allow the Bills

  1. Invoice Listing
  2. Invoice Listing – Prepaid
  3. Budget to Actual Report

6. Approve Staff

  1. Approve Staff
    1.  Seth Streebin -Cross Country Coach
    2.  Eric Stout -Golf Coach
    3.  Trey Bennett -Head Football Coach
    4.  Amy Griffin -High School  Girls’ Track Coach
    5.  Phil Griffin - High School Boys’ Track Coach
    6.  Steve Ehret -Jr. High Football Coach
    7.  Keely VerSteegh -Paraeducator
    8.  Megan Boender -Paraeducator
  2. Approve Staff Resignations
    1.  Trey Bennett -Jr. High Football

7. Communications

  1. Public Forum
  2. Written Communication
  3. Construction Update - DCI
  4. Communication on Updated Warhawk Logos / Branding -Ryan Groom

8. Old Business

  1. Roof Update - Scott Palmberg via Zoom

9. New Business

    1. Set Price for School Lunch Fees -delayed until fee calculator is available
    2. Approve Bid for Roof Restoration Project
    3. Approve Open Campus for Seniors
    4. Approve Open Lunch for Juniors
    5. Approve the Jr./Sr. High Handbook, including code of conduct
    6. Approve Local Eligibility Changes
    7. Approve the Elementary Handbook
    8. Approve Overnight Trip Rate for Bus Drivers
    9. Appoint Official Newspaper
    10. Approve Bank Depository Limits
    11. Approve District Attorney
    12. Approve 28E Sharing Agreement w/ New Sharon Child Care and Preschool
    13. Approve Certified Staff Handbook for 2022-2023 School Year
    14. Approve Activity Pass for Active Subs
    15. Board Policy Review  
      1. 200.3 Second Reading
      2. 710.01
      3. 710.1E1
      4. 710.1E2
      5. 710.1R1
      6. 802.4
      7. Wellness Policy
      8. 708

10. Principal’s Report

                No Principal Report During Summer Months

11. Superintendent’s Report

  1. OPAA Report - May
  2. New Legislation Changes for Operational Sharing
  3. Governor’s Plan for Increased School Security

12. Approve Closed Session for Superintendent’s Annual Evaluation

          Iowa Code Section 21.5 (1) (i)

13.  Return to Open Session

14Board Comments / Thank You Notes

15.  Adjourn